Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Anonymous proxy servers and IP services

 How do you protect your privacy online?

A proxy server is a server that sits between a client and a real server. Proxy servers intercept requests to the real server to see if it can take care of himself and claim, if it cannot, it forwards the request to the real server.
For example, a user requests a web page via the browser. The proxy server first checks the cache to see if the page is already there and can be used as usual. Otherwise, it passes the request to the web page from the browser to the Web server.
Since proxy servers provide indirect access to web servers, your IP address and other credentials a bit (for example your type, location) may be retained passed on to the real server. A proxy server used specifically to remove credentials from the client request for the purpose of anonymity is called an anonymous proxy server. There are a number of anonymization services available on the Internet today. Some of them are free, but most services better and more reliable will cost you.
It may hide your IP address can be anything that you feel you need. However, it is possible to be even more anonymously using proxy servers.
For example, chaining proxy servers can provide a greater degree of separation between you and the server, making it difficult for people on the server to track. Of course, as each hop closer to you, more information can be used to identify you.
Data encryption at the outset also offers higher degree of protection. Even if a proxy server may well encrypt the data once it has received before sending a proxy server receives unencrypted data leaves the data vulnerable. Most free anonymous proxy servers do not encrypt the data. You will need to pay for this service and it may well be worth it for you.
Beware also of the proxy servers you will find at random. Some are deliberately set up as open proxies to get people to use ... then steal confidential data as it passes through, including usernames and passwords unencrypted. If you want to use an anonymizer, make sure you use a service with well-known privacy policy and only after checking online service integrity.
Finally, do not assume that the use of a proxy server completely protect your privacy online. W it will not. If someone wants badly enough, they can trace you and your business. Just keep in mind that this will help you to protect up to a certain point.
It is also important to remember that the use of proxy servers do nothing to protect you against someone who has a direct access to your computer from your spy activities. In this case, you will need to take protective measures such as clearing and deleting cookies, cache and history of web searches from your browser toolbar....