Monday, January 21, 2013

Secure your web browsing

I present to you a guide when such a notice to Navigate:
I) our internet behavior, intelligent
II) Securing the technical Anonyma proxy
Secure and anonymize its navigation
Whatever your OS (operating system =) to give a hard time lobbyists Web (Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc...) and guard their robots plotters, as well as the development of links between internet and real life
1) BASIC LOGIC for anti-fishing:
~ 1st rule: Do not talk to your privacy, do not make it public
Therefore: do NOT put your photos on canvas, portraits of family, friends, etc... Not helping any identification, real names, geolocation, etc.. There are often alternative ways (such answer to a secret question) to reactivate your facebook or other accounts.
~ Use multiple mailboxes (various suppliers =), not only multiple addresses from the same supplier...
~ Do not connect your various email accounts (type: recovery address, message sent from one to another, etc...), except some that you will at a minimum of service and NO internet investigation;
~ I recommend highly linking all your accounts, such as Gmail, YouTube, daily motion, Facebook, twitter, etc... Or use a single email address at registration;
~ Especially if it is with the same browser (type Google offering recording, retrieval favorites, etc..)
Hence the need to use several different browsers + email addresses (less known suppliers:,, etc.).
=> In effect Google Facebook and fishing are pros: If you navigate with any browser, opening tabs without being previously DISCONNECTED from YOUR ACCOUNTS (even if you close the tab or Google FB), their Cookies record all your research on these tabs open.
~ Exceptionally, you can connect some of your different accounts in social networks mails Side => then keep ANOTHER browser (or multiple) "to secure, also!" and disperse to your WEB RESEARCH several proxy (see end of page for information about proxy)
5) The TIP to navigate with the same efficiency as a historical
To find easily accessed web address, just put in * FAVORITES (= PAGE MARKED, BOOKMARKS) to your browsers / / / indeed, this has the effect to show the favorite choice apparent at an early typing keywords in the address bar.
NB: It is pertinent sufficient record only the HOME SITES that you check regularly, an internal search (search bar inside) in these sites, you will find the topic, the page you're looking for.
6) Recovery of passwords:
=> NOTE YOUR PASSWORD TO FILE you can encrypt USB or notebook kept at home!
=> You will pass these words carefully diversified, change numbers, letters or other, some tests then allow you to find
=> To retrieve a forgotten password, prefer to have set (if available) on a secret question (not recovery method on a current email address ...)
II) To Anonym a by Proxy
PLEASE NOTE: the use of proxy address is totally legal; it is the use that can be done which may fall within the scope of the law.
So this is the Anonym an IP, via proxy, it is not so difficult, find more than a few lines! (And apply differently for each browser, as well as a general method built into your operating system, it also seems to be the only way to * Rock melt *)
a) Search for an address by proxy "proxy list" on such
=> Ask about the use of "transparent", "elite", etc...
=> Select "transparent" (= reveals an address) to your social networks
b) Put in your browser settings (type: OPTION> SECURITY> NETWORK) or installing third party software / extension for your browser
c) Copy and paste the address IP addresses are like: "" sometimes we must separate the last number after the ":" type "8080" to integrate it into the next box of the software used

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The autonomy of Smartphone boosted by proxy?

Smartphone’s have well been more powerful, faster and faster, they all suffer from an Achilles heel: autonomy. Most of our friends are struggling to hold more than one day of intensive use 3G. Problem increasingly denounced by users.
In addition, the fineness of terminals does not really increase the volume of batteries. The choice of design has supplanted autonomy. But with consumer data more important, this problem will arise as more and more prevalent in the coming years.
Hardware solutions such as battery liquid gas, water etc ... are expected and despite the promises of manufacturers, nothing will happen for several years. We must therefore look elsewhere.
Scientists Finnish Aalto University says they have reduced by 75% the impact of self-consumption data from a Smartphone through a software solution.
A simple solution also because it is usinga proxy server at the Web connection. This gateway optimizes data transfer by retrieving the query (eg click a link), reeling in the content before displaying it, thus giving more air to the processor (normally dedicated to this task) and therefore autonomy.
The trick is not new. Opera Software highlights the use of its mobile browser. But in this case, the goal is to speed up the display of pages in compressed format on its servers, not relieve the load on the processor.
But the trick is universal: it applies to all smartphones, all browsers. This is the network must be configured so.

The Autonomy Of Mobile Enhanced Through The Use Of Proxy

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The use of a reverse proxy server for enabling remote access

External users (ie, users who are outside the firewall of the organization) log into Office Communicator Web Access (2007 R2 release) by pointing their Web browsers to a virtual server created especially for them. It is possible for external users direct access to Office Communicator Web Access server. However, this is not recommended for security reasons. However, it is strongly recommended that external users first go through a reverse proxy server.
A reverse proxy server is a computer that runs a proxy server such as Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA). The reverse proxy server is located inside the perimeter network (also known as demilitarized zone, or DMZ), a network between the internal network and the Internet business. When an external user tries to connect to a virtual server Office Communicator Web Access, DNS (Domain Name System) automatically directs the request to the reverse proxy server. The reverse proxy server then forwards the service request to the Office Communicator Web Access server. The process is completely transparent to end users. In their case, the reverse proxy server is a server Office Communicator Web Access.

Using a single point of access allows administrators to determine who can and can not connect to your servers, but also to control the content that users can access. By "masking" the server name using reverse proxy, you can also change the hardware or the host names without affecting your customers. Users continue to access the same URL, regardless of the computer behind the proxy server.

Office Communicator Web Access is compatible with most reverse proxy servers available on the market. In other words, you can use virtually any software reverse proxy, with one exception. If you have opted for SSO, you must use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 with SSO (Single Sign On) enabled on the Web listener.
Whatever the reverse proxy server used, it is recommended that the server is a member of the working group and not a domain member approved internally. This provides an additional level of security. If the integrity of the reverse proxy server is compromised, the attacker will only have access to the server and not the internal network.
For performance reasons, it is recommended to install any other software on the reverse proxy. However, the computer that acts as a reverse proxy server for Communicator Web Access can also be used as a reverse proxy server for other applications (eg, Outlook Web Access).
Insofar as the configuration differs depending reverse proxy servers, this document does not address in detail the procedure for installing a reverse proxy server. For more information, see the documentation for your The New Daily Proxies.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to hide IP address and remain anonymous on the internet

The term VPN means Virtual Private Network in English otherwise. The VPN system is widely used by corporate IT departments to secure data on their employees are outside of the company. For example, when an employee must connect to the company network, it must then launch the VPN to access corporate data which are often confidential of course. By launching the VPN it impossible for a malicious hacker to intercept the data. Effectively through the VPN data pass through a pipe called computer (tunneling). This hose encrypts data, making it unreadable. The data will be readable only when arrived at destination (ie your computer). You can also install a VPN on a Smartphone or a Tablet PC (iPad, Tablet Surface, GalaxyNote ...)
There are internet providers VPN for private individuals who may not have computer skills. By installing the VPN software on your personal computer, you can be anonymous on the Internet by changing your IP address. It also allows you to unlock all foreign websites without exceptions and anywhere. People traveling to many personal uses beaucoup.Vous also will secure all your data sent or received is the same as a business. Very handy if you're on a public Wi-Fi networks, hotspot, you will not be able to hack or steal data you have in your Smartphone or laptop.
IP address has what for?
An IP address is simply a network identifier provided by the internet service provider (ISP). This identifier is a series of numbers that you can see by visiting a website like The IP address to see where you stand and identify yourself. That we can advise is that after you start your VPN IP to verify that the change going.
Below you will find the list of top 3 suppliers VPN particularly that we recommend. Very simple to install and use and. They were designed for that with one click you Passier a conventional connection to a secure connection to the maximum and anonymous!
for more information please visit:Anonymous Browsing.