Monday, January 21, 2013

Secure your web browsing

I present to you a guide when such a notice to Navigate:
I) our internet behavior, intelligent
II) Securing the technical Anonyma proxy
Secure and anonymize its navigation
Whatever your OS (operating system =) to give a hard time lobbyists Web (Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc...) and guard their robots plotters, as well as the development of links between internet and real life
1) BASIC LOGIC for anti-fishing:
~ 1st rule: Do not talk to your privacy, do not make it public
Therefore: do NOT put your photos on canvas, portraits of family, friends, etc... Not helping any identification, real names, geolocation, etc.. There are often alternative ways (such answer to a secret question) to reactivate your facebook or other accounts.
~ Use multiple mailboxes (various suppliers =), not only multiple addresses from the same supplier...
~ Do not connect your various email accounts (type: recovery address, message sent from one to another, etc...), except some that you will at a minimum of service and NO internet investigation;
~ I recommend highly linking all your accounts, such as Gmail, YouTube, daily motion, Facebook, twitter, etc... Or use a single email address at registration;
~ Especially if it is with the same browser (type Google offering recording, retrieval favorites, etc..)
Hence the need to use several different browsers + email addresses (less known suppliers:,, etc.).
=> In effect Google Facebook and fishing are pros: If you navigate with any browser, opening tabs without being previously DISCONNECTED from YOUR ACCOUNTS (even if you close the tab or Google FB), their Cookies record all your research on these tabs open.
~ Exceptionally, you can connect some of your different accounts in social networks mails Side => then keep ANOTHER browser (or multiple) "to secure, also!" and disperse to your WEB RESEARCH several proxy (see end of page for information about proxy)
5) The TIP to navigate with the same efficiency as a historical
To find easily accessed web address, just put in * FAVORITES (= PAGE MARKED, BOOKMARKS) to your browsers / / / indeed, this has the effect to show the favorite choice apparent at an early typing keywords in the address bar.
NB: It is pertinent sufficient record only the HOME SITES that you check regularly, an internal search (search bar inside) in these sites, you will find the topic, the page you're looking for.
6) Recovery of passwords:
=> NOTE YOUR PASSWORD TO FILE you can encrypt USB or notebook kept at home!
=> You will pass these words carefully diversified, change numbers, letters or other, some tests then allow you to find
=> To retrieve a forgotten password, prefer to have set (if available) on a secret question (not recovery method on a current email address ...)
II) To Anonym a by Proxy
PLEASE NOTE: the use of proxy address is totally legal; it is the use that can be done which may fall within the scope of the law.
So this is the Anonym an IP, via proxy, it is not so difficult, find more than a few lines! (And apply differently for each browser, as well as a general method built into your operating system, it also seems to be the only way to * Rock melt *)
a) Search for an address by proxy "proxy list" on such
=> Ask about the use of "transparent", "elite", etc...
=> Select "transparent" (= reveals an address) to your social networks
b) Put in your browser settings (type: OPTION> SECURITY> NETWORK) or installing third party software / extension for your browser
c) Copy and paste the address IP addresses are like: "" sometimes we must separate the last number after the ":" type "8080" to integrate it into the next box of the software used

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